Wanting to do something really positive for young people with your trade dollars and get a deduction for your business at EOFY? Various options to support The Kool Skools Artistmakers Project in Australia.
This amount of T$2200 includes a day of recording and a full studio tour with Q&A session for a group of up to 30 students.
The project encourages and supports young people in secondary schools to write their own songs, form bands and then come in to our professional world-class recording studios to make an album with fellow students from their school. You can fund a school of your choice or leave it to us to choose an appropriate school - your business can be a sponsor of that school or an advertiser with the project or it can be a pure donation if that is your preference not to be listed. All recordings take place at Empire Music Studios in Melbourne.
Date Listed
13 Jun, 2024Last Modified
29 Jan, 2025